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    Jakson offers a wide range of Silent Diesel Generatorsfrom 7.5KVA to 3570KVA

    About Jakson Battery Energy Storage Systems

    Jakson has introduced “EnerPack” a revolutionary power back up Battery Energy Storage System which provides carbon-free clean power and enables uninterrupted silent power supply while significantly reducing costs. Equipped with a hybrid inverter, lithium ion batteries, and intelligent energy management system, the Energy Storage System has the intelligence of combining grid power, solar energy, wind power and even DG power supply.

    The battery energy storage systems range starts from 5KW, can be scaled and customised to meet residential, commercial and industrial power requirements. BESS also provides power back-up that reduces revenue loss to industries due to power cuts. The product doesn’t require civil work and has an in – house smart EMS for optimal performance and efficiency.

    Its compact and modular design makes it easy to transport and install, while fast-charge capability and low–system energy consumption makes it practical and pocket–friendly. EnerPack’s uninterrupted power supply ensures zero production losses without disruption in operations.


    The BESS Advantages

    Range Starting from 5KW

    Compact & Hybrid

    Instant Backup Zero Power Interruption

    Zero Maintenance

    Zero Carbon Emission

    Smart EMS



    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Jakson Welfare Trust is the Corporate Social Responsibility arm of The Jakson Group. The trust operates and manages various CSR programs on behalf of the company for the betterment of underprivileged sections of society